Our Bullhorn experts share their tips on how to exorcise ghosting from your recruitment process.

How to reduce ghosting in recruitment

As the nights grow longer, Halloween's eerie presence gets closer. While some enjoy the thrill of ghost stories and haunted houses, there's one kind of ghosting that's far from fun—the kind that haunts the world of recruitment.

In the realm of hiring, 'ghosting' doesn't involve apparitions or poltergeists; it's about candidates and recruiters going quiet without a trace or explanation.

In this blog, our Bullhorn experts share their tips on how to exorcise this chilling phenomenon, ensuring that no candidate or recruiter is left in the dark.

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Ben Fuller: Reducing candidate opt outs

Duplicate records don’t just mean disjointed information, for your candidates it can also mean they’re getting an overwhelming number of the same emails or SMS messages.

The easiest way for a candidate to stop this problem? Hit the opt out button so that you can’t contact them anymore. But this means that you’ve just lost a candidate!

Put a stop to this by merging your duplicates. Recruitment tech like Kyloe DataTools can make this really easy by allowing you to merge dupes in bulk.

Becky Townsend: Reengage contractors as their placement is coming to an end

Staffing firms who fill open roles with candidates from their existing database are twice as likely to report major revenue gains. But according to Bullhorn’s GRID 2023 report, the majority are filling less than 60% of their roles from their database.
This gives you a huge opportunity, and tech can be hugely helpful here. One of our customers’ favourite ‘tricks’ is to use Kyloe DataTools to populate the availability date on a candidate with the date that their placement is coming to an end so that your recruiters know when to contact them for their next job.

If you want to take it one step further, you can use Bullhorn Automation to send an email that will reengage them just ahead of their end date.

Simon Ireson: Stay on top of skills and categories to keep candidates in searches

How often do you update the skills and categories on your candidate records? This is a great way to build out your talent pool but keeping it current can be time consuming when done manually.

Something that’s popular with our Kyloe DataTools customers is updating skills and categories on a candidate record based on jobs they’ve taken. We can set up a rule to identify the skills on a vacancy and add them to the placed candidate.

This means your consultants can run more accurate and valuable candidate searches, and find the best people for your roles!

Brittany Hablitzel: Reduce candidate drop out by speeding up credentialing

Manual credentialing can be labour intensive, resulting in bottlenecks, delays, and ultimately candidate drop out. With the right processes in place, you can streamline this, eliminate manual errors, and reduce the chances of being ghosted by your candidates!

One of my favourite uses for Kyloe DataTools is to automatically assign credential requirements based on the job and location – this saves a huge amount of time and reduces compliance risk.

Then, you can use something like Bullhorn Onboarding365 or Talent Edition to gather the credentials from candidates and store them in Bullhorn.

This approach has proved hugely beneficial for our customers working in industries where credentialing is complex and critical, such as healthcare.

Amaya Capracci: Build stronger relationships by asking for feedback

We know that companies who build out their talent pools and utilise their existing database when placing candidates are more likely to experience revenue gains. But how do you know what your candidates thought of the experience, and what would help make them more loyal to you? Ask them!

By asking simple questions such as, ‘How would you rate your experience of working with us?’, ‘What did you think about the onboarding process?’, and ‘Do you have any suggestions of how we could improve?’, you can start to gather valuable feedback that you can then use to improve your service.

Your candidates will appreciate being asked, and it will provide insights that you may not have thought about.

You can also apply this sort of approach to your clients, too.

This can be done manually, or through something like Bullhorn Automation, where you can automatically trigger survey sends at certain points in a candidate's journey.

Liam Valentine: Proactively engage candidates to keep their records up to date

As the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind”. By engaging with your talent pool on a regular basis you can increase your visibility and make sure that you’re front of mind at the right time.

One way of doing this, is to send surveys gathering key data points to build our accurate and up to date profiles for your candidates. Things like preferred contact method, latest skills, and job titles.

Using something like Bullhorn Automation you can even trigger this type of survey to automatically send when you haven’t spoken to a candidate benefit from a more valuable database, without having lots of additional admin work.

Don't let ghosting haunt your hiring process any longer

Our solutions are designed to bring clarity and efficiency to your recruitment journey. Contact us to discuss how our Bullhorn experts can ensure your hiring process is a treat, not a trick.

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