Pioneer Selection was established in 2007 and specialise in Engineering and Technical recruitment. It was in 2017 that Pioneer Selection first came to Kyloe after Bullhorn recommended us to help implement Bullhorn and migrate them from their previous CRM.
Following that, Pioneer became interested in our time-saving Bullhorn products, which are now engrained as part of their business processes.
As many recruitment companies find, a lot of the documents being created contained human errors – for example, wrong start dates or wrong numbers on invoices, which was in turn causing delays to getting payment.
With 42 consultants, they were finding that formatting of CVs was inconsistent and not representing their brand in the desired way. They also found that they were reformatting the same CV over and over, because they weren’t being stored in a central place.
There was also an opportunity to streamline the process involved with scheduling interviews, and again reduce data protection issues resulting from sending invites incorrectly - something that Bullhorn did not cater for.