"Kyloe AwesomeDocs is an integral part of our business and saves our consultants a significant amount of time when generating contracts and resumes, freeing up resources to focus on other things."
"Kyloe AwesomeDocs is an integral part of our business and saves our consultants a significant amount of time when generating resumes and contracts, freeing up resources to focus on other things. "
What problems were you aiming to solve with Kyloe AwesomeDocs?
"We were looking for add-ons to our Bullhorn CRM that could save time and automate manual tasks that our consultants complete on a daily basis."
How has Kyloe AwesomeDocs transformed Talent Resources?
"We use Kyloe AwesomeDocs for the main outward documents we produce – contracts and resumes. It has been a massive time saver for us and reduces human error also!"
If you had to sum up the benefits of Kyloe AwesomeDocs in one sentence, what would it be?
"Easy! Kyloe AwesomeDocs is a one-click solution that standardises external facing documentation and reduces human error."
How would you describe Kyloe AwesomeDocs to another recruitment company?
"Kyloe AwesomeDocs is an integral part of our business and saves our consultants a significant amount of time when generating resumes and contracts, freeing up resource to focus on other things."
How has your experience of working with the Kyloe team been?
"The development and support of the documentation is handled by an excellent professional support team who always go the extra mile to make sure the product is set up correctly and working. We have always had an amazing support experience!"
The Kyloe solution
Kyloe AwesomeDocs, our complete end-to-end document automation system for Bullhorn, is the faster and more accurate way to create, sign and manage any recruitment document, including contracts, from within Bullhorn.
Fill more placements and win more business
Improve client and candidate experience
Reduce compliance risk
Cut operating costs
How can we help you?
There's almost nothing our Bullhorn experts can't do!