Need for speed


Need for speed: The key to providing temporary workers faster this holiday season

The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it we're seeing a surge in temporary roles, which means an increased demand for light industrial staffing agencies. In the US alone, Amazon, Target, and USPS recently announced plans to hire over 350,000 additional workers. This provides real opportunities for staffing companies looking to boost revenue during the busy 2023 holiday season. But with the increased demand also comes pressure to deliver an accelerated experience.

SIA have previously reported that 60% of light industrial staffing companies struggle to keep up with demand, but only 18% leverage technology to improve operational inefficiencies and facilitate supply.

To successfully meet this increased demand and reduce pressure, recruitment agencies must take a proactive approach and embrace recruitment technology advancements.

Keep reading to learn how light industrial staffing companies can prepare for increased demand, ensure a smooth hiring process, and win more business during the holiday season.

We will also explore how recruitment technology, such as Kyloe AwesomeDocs, is helping staffing companies meet seasonal demands this year.

Preparing for the holiday hiring rush

To prepare for the surge in demand, start by forecasting and planning ahead. Here are some crucial steps:

Analyze historical data
Review previous holiday seasons to identify patterns and trends in demand. Which business opportunities have you missed out on in the past, and why? This analysis can also help you estimate the number of temporary workers needed so you can understand if you’re equipped to fulfil this.

Client communication

Stay in regular contact with your clients so that you can understand their holiday season requirements – the earlier you reach out the better, so that when the time is right, you’re front of mind. It will also help you to plan better and ensure that you can align your recruitment efforts with their needs.

Talent pool evaluation and engagement

Your CRM is a treasure trove of valuable data. Bullhorn’s GRID 2023 report showed that companies filling roles with existing candidates from their database are 2x more likely to report revenue gains. Save time during the hiring process by assessing your existing pool of candidates and identify potential candidates who are available for seasonal work.

How recruitment technology can set you apart from competitors for the 2023 holiday season

Convenience is a huge part of positioning yourself as the top choice agency. Clients and candidates want to work with staffing companies who make things easier for them. By streamlining the process, you can deliver an experience that makes you the obvious choice.

Where to start?

  • Automate contract creation: Leverage information stored within your Bullhorn system to automatically generate offer letters, agreements or contracts 10x faster.
  • Integrate a cloud-based electronic signature solution like DocuSign to reduce turnaround time by 80%.
  • Automatically generate and send confirmation letters, shift schedules and assignment welcome information.

How can Kyloe AwesomeDocs for light industrial help?

Kyloe AwesomeDocs accelerates the hiring process so you can have employee contracts and confirmation letters created and e-signed in a matter of clicks. And this could be the difference between you and your competitors winning contracts for this holiday season.

"Kyloe made our contractor setup process quick and easy – 
reducing the time from 30 to 2 minutes.”  
Ryan Gemmill – Talent Acquisition Operations @North Highland 

By forecasting demand and adopting technology, staffing agencies can not only survive the holiday rush but also thrive in this competitive industry. You could even receive a last-minute order from your client and have candidates ready to go within the hour! 

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