Meet Hannah Johnston, our Associate Project Management Officer at Kyloe. 

Meet our experts | Hannah Johnston

As Associate Project Management Officer, Hannah Johnston works closely with our customers as part of their Bullhorn implementation and consultancy projects, and maintains strong relationships with Bullhorn. She provides crucial support in ensuring these projects are executed to the high standard that our customers expect when partnering with Kyloe!
What aspect of your job do you find the most rewarding?
I get so much out of helping people, whether its internal or external stakeholders. I enjoy getting involved with PMing Bullhorn Automation projects, and love creating Bullhorn systems for our new clients ahead of their implementations.

I also enjoy the learning opportunities - I'm currently working through a diploma in Project Management. I have been shadowing a few projects and have loved meeting our clients and following their Bullhorn implementation journey from start to finish.

Biggest mistake a recruitment company can make?
Be wary of getting into a comfort zone. As a believer in continuous improvement, I think it's important to always strive to be the best provider of quality personnel to customers!

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love walking (especially beach walks!) and taking in the nature and wildlife which surrounds us where we're HQd in beautiful Orkney. I also love listening to music and going to concerts.

Fun fact about yourself?
I am a keen ping pong player and play most lunchtimes with my Kyloe colleagues!

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