In an interview with UK Recruiter, Raymond Pennie gives his top tips for staffing companies on how to get the most out of your tech.

5 ways recruitment tech can help you attract and retain better consultants

In a recent interview with UK Recruiter’s Louise Triance, Kyloe founder Raymond Pennie gave his insight on how staffing companies can make the most of tech to help attract consultants and improve profitability.
Read on for some of Raymond's tips below or catch up on the whole interview here!

How do you think tech impacts the roles that recruiters apply for and how can companies use this to attract the best consultants?

Better tech allows recruiters to focus on building relationships so if your tech is good, let people know about it in your adverts for consultants. They want to have the best tech they can get when they start somewhere new - they don’t want to go backwards - would you go from a smartphone to a Nokia 3310?

Once your recruiter is in the door, how can you keep them?

Simplify your processes - ensure that your consultants are provided with the correct training (use videos and short chunks within training to help make it easier). 

Make sure everything is easy to understand and well maintained and set them with clear direction from the offset.   

Use gamification – show your teams what they need to do to hit their next target (badge or level) or to beat others to reach the top of the league.

How can tech help recruiters speed up securing candidates without compromising on other important responsibilities?

We are working within a candidate scarce market - you've got to be fast if you don’t want to miss out or be left behind by your competitors.

Move quickly and efficiently, contact candidates right away and speed up the process of making offers and getting contracts signed. You can template tasks and automatically trigger processes to help with this.

How can recruiters be more organised?

Don’t live in your mailbox - keep all paperwork within your CRM instead to avoid losing things and improve transparency and collaboration. One of the things people love most about Kyloe AwesomeDocs is that they don’t lose files anymore! Also, make sure you get into the habit of (or automate) putting things into the correct place immediately, every time.

Admin is crucial but often overlooked, in your experience, how can recruitment companies manage this better?

Formatting CVs should be easy, but we’re still seeing lots of companies doing this manually which is really time-consuming - by getting your systems to do more, you can free up more time for your consultants to focus on relationship building with your candidates and clients.   
Contracts are hard and need to be very easy to send. Make the current version easily available in your CRM.

Minimise the changes that are allowed or needed so they’re accurate and you can get them out quickly.

When the signed contract comes back, make sure it’s filed automatically and alert the correct department (like legal or finance).

Learn how you can action these steps

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