Rob Mann shares why he joined Kyloe and how you can maximise ROI on your tech stack.

Rob Mann - Why I chose Kyloe and why you should too!

From his industry experience to podcast host, Rob Mann is a man of many talents, which is why we are delighted to welcome him to the team as one of our newest Kyloevians. 

Read on to hear from Rob on why he was drawn to joining the Kyloe team and which Kyloe products shouldn’t be missed from your Bullhorn tech stack this year.

Why Kyloe?

With over a decade of experience in the staffing industry, I’ve worked in every aspect of the business, from recruiting to managing accounts, before getting started in staffing technology. This experience means that I’ve felt the challenges that staffing companies face first-hand. It’s because of this that I’m passionate about helping people to get the most out of their tech stack.

When the opportunity to join Kyloe arose, I knew being a part of the team would be the perfect place for me to really put my passion and experience into practice.

To better understand why Kyloe’s tools should be included in your tech stack, let’s take a quick look at the current technology trends driving our industry.

Understanding the current industry trends

First and foremost, let’s get the gigantic elephant out in the open. With so many job openings becoming available, every staffing company is looking for recruiters. 

Unfortunately, the ratio of recruiters to job openings is off balance and these recruiters probably don’t exist, therefore one of the main talking points in the industry right now is about how we can solve that issue when the manpower just isn’t there.

The solution to the problem?  Getting the maximum ROI on your tech stack.

By using your existing technology in the correct way, you are amplifying your recruiter's limited time.
1. Invest in training and education for your recruiters so that they buy into the tools they have and understand the benefits.

2. Make sure you’re getting the most out of the technology tools you already have in place and do the same for any potential new technology you take on board.

What about automation?

Automation is another hot topic that has dominated the industry over the past 2-3 years, with more and more recruitment companies looking to save time and money by implementing automated processes. However, to achieve automation success, you need to make sure you are in the right position from the get-go.

Is your data health good enough for automation?

A crucial starting point for automation is good quality data. Without this, your automation will collapse. Consider whether you have high-quality data in your ATS/CRM. If the answer is no, then you need to ask yourself if you have the tools and know-how to improve that?  

And that’s why I joined Kyloe.

Why choose Kyloe DataTools?

As Bullhorn’s longest-running implementation partner, we have years of experience and data expertise within our team of specialists, which has led to the creation of Kyloe DataTools- the most powerful Bullhorn data improvement product on the market.  

Kyloe DataTools
consists of 3 powerful tools, each with unique capabilities which can lead your company to good data hygiene, changing the answer to the question ‘is my data good enough to use as a foundation for an automation tool?’ from no to YES.


helps you to understand what is missing from your records and makes it easy to take action.


Does exactly what it says on the tin, it helps you to dedupe candidate, contact, and company records, so you don’t spam your candidates and contacts due to unwanted duplicates.


Allows you to update and improve the quality of your data faster with the ability to make mass Bullhorn data updates.

Why Kyloe solutions go hand in hand with the current industry patterns

As the trend around automation shows no signs of slowing down, many of the conversations that I’m having with companies start with “hold on - are we ready to use automation?”

This is exciting because it means that leaders want to make sure they are using technology well and not wasting spend where they can’t see the benefits. If you’re considering automation and you’ve not started by making sure you have quality data, then you won’t be in a position to get the most out of your investment and your recruiters!

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"The completion of the project gave us great confidence that Bullhorn could be reshaped to address other innovations and needs, and that Kyloe were extremely capable of delivering these."
"Kyloe were absolutely invaluable in this process, we couldn’t have done it without them!"
Cherry Professional
"The Kyloe team really took the time to understand how we used our current database and our business processes which really helped when setting up our new Bullhorn system with regards to customisations and integrations."
Macdonald and Company
"Kyloe are highly educated in the CRM (Bullhorn) we use and offered creative ideas on how to accomplish our goals, regardless of complexity at hand. Their confidence and teamwork to find the best solution was very reassuring to us."
The Delta Companies
"Kyloe delivered a structured process for the whole migration and configuration, and guided us perfectly through the whole project. We knew at any time at which point in the project we were and what we had to do next."
"I still remember emailing our employment contracts and spending hours chasing signatures. With Docusign, Kyloe's AwesomeDocs and Bullhorn; contracts are generated with 4 mouse clicks (literally) and the next time we see them they are signed and saved back to Bullhorn."
Agri Labour
"Contracts or Terms of Business - created in seconds. Kyloe really has nailed AwesomeDocs. It's intuitive, powerful and can be used by all with minimal training."
"The Kyloe Training team were extremely helpful and personable with our staff and really went the extra mile to talk our ‘IT Dinosaurs’ through the Bullhorn Software."
Michael Taylor Search and Selection
"We worked with Kyloe to successfully migrate key data from Itris to Bullhorn, combining the two databases into a single one. Migrating data into an existing database is a really complex project but everything went really smoothly thanks to Kyloe’s professionalism and expertise."
NES Fircroft