Why the healthcare staffing industry needs to modernize

How are top-performing healthcare staffing firms using technology?

This blog will discuss the industries' main challenges, how technology can play a crucial role in your success, and how we are helping the most innovative US healthcare staffing companies with their digital transformation.

Healthcare staffing industry: current challenges

Today's industry faces numerous problems, including intense pressure on staff and resources. With constant workforce needs in flux due to unpredictable spikes in disease or shifts in demand, facilities frequently turn to freelance, locums and part-time workers.

Another challenge we see across the industry is a growing candidate shortage: the American Hospital Association projects that if US workforce trends continue, by 2026, the US market will face a national industry shortage of more than 4 million workers.

Top healthcare companies know how important it is to get the right talent in place at the right time, but industry regulations and high compliance standards can dramatically increase time-to-hire, increase turnover and impact revenue.

How is technology transforming the industry?

With a growing demand for healthcare services worldwide, top-market performers are doubling down on digital transformation and technology in 2023. But how are they using technology? Which processes can be easily automated to maximize your job pipeline, reduce time-to-hire and boost your revenue? Where should you prioritize your efforts? Here are some tips:

  • Implement data management solutions to ensure your CRM data is accurate, always up-to-date and useful
  • Automate reference checks and compliance processes
  • Streamline submission and onboarding processes
  • Secure candidates faster by providing your talent with best-in-class e-signing solutions

How is Kyloe for Healthcare helping the most innovative healthcare staffing companies in the US?

As the largest provider of document automation in the healthcare staffing sector, we see first-hand how embracing new technology is key for driving success in today's competitive market. We have helped market leaders like LRS, Prolink, and Lead Health, to reduce risk, place candidates faster and win more business. How? Keep reading…

Kyloe for Healthcare has been designed with healthcare staffing companies in mind to deliver results like:

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