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If you think that GDPR only impacts you, you might have forgotten about the impact it will have on your clients and candidates. They are currently wondering where their information has gone and been. What about those copies of passports and returned forms that are left in your documents and downloads folders?
Most automated systems we know weren’t built to comply with GDPR, especially when it comes to your databases. They were built to save and store information about your candidates and clients. Now, this data has become an issue because we need a legal reason or consent to store a person’s data.
Following our webinar series about GDPR, we got a heap of questions. As we are all speculating on how we are going to be compliant, it seems nobody knows where to start. In our webinar however, we also focused on how to use automation to help you start preparing.
That’s why we raised two ways how Kyloe can help you comply from within Bullhorn.
Help your client remain GDPR compliant by using Client Portal
When you pass a CV to a client for review, that client has 30 days to explain to the candidate that they are holding the data, and the reason for it. For clients this will be a major headache and massively time consuming.
A solution would be to offer each client a Client Portal for that assignment. This is a specific Kyloe solution within Bullhorn. With the Client Portal, the client only sees what is in your database, but does not hold the information. A candidate’s personal data has not been handed over and you, as a Kyloe Client Portal user, remain the Data Controller.
This solution allows clients to see CVs, arrange Interviews and exchange notes without becoming a Data Controller until they need to be. This adds great value and is the most efficient way of presenting a candidate for a role.
Store, Open, Edit and send all your CVs from within Bullhorn using Kyloe’s AwesomeDocs and Workflow
Do you know how many copies of CVs you have in your network? This can be anywhere. from email to personal drive, desktop, spreadsheets and more. When someone asks to be forgotten, or you have had a Subject Access Request, how will you send them everything you are holding on them?
We speed up that process with Kyloe’s AwesomeDocs tool in Bullhorn. You can create a CV based on your requirements, pulling information you hold in your database. This reduces the need to hold a local copy of the CV on your desktop. AwesomeDocs allows you to edit any document you hold in your files tab and when you save it, this automatically gets pulled back into Bullhorn. This means there is no need to store any files locally to then manually re upload files into your database.
Workflow can then help you send emails in bulk to both candidates and clients. The emails don’t look like they came through Bullhorn and can even include multiple CV sends. It’s as easy as a click on a button as you would not need to download a CV and manually attach it to your email. Everything is done through Bullhorn.
These automation tools will help you set up a strong compliance process that will help you keep all information in Bullhorn. This way, once you have consent from a candidate you will be able to promote them in a way that won’t hurt them or your client.
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